The Managing Editor-in-Chief
(Here Give the Name of Journal)
Subject: Submission of Manuscript for Journal ----(Give Here Journal Name).
Important: “Plagiarism Report” is mandatory to attach with submission of paper. Without this editor will not start the Review Process.
1. Paper Title:
2. Subject Classification Numbers (At least one of the followings):
A. Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC):
(The information about the Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC) - available at: )
B. Computing Classification System (CCS) :
(The information about the ACM Computing Classification System - available at )
C. Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) Classification Number:
(The information about the JEL Classification Number - available at : )
3. Journal Topic(s):
4. Author’s name:
5. Affiliation(s), Mailing address of Author(s):
Dear Editor,
With reference to above, please find my submission of paper for possible publications in ----(Give Here Journal Name).
I have read the “Author Instructions” of journal and before the submitting this manuscript to the journal, checked my university policy and requirements of indexing and journal website.
A. Please removed the designation (e.g. Director, Head, Professor, lecturer, research scholar etc.) and title (e.g. Dr. Ms. Mr. etc.) from author(s) name in your paper.
B. An active Email id of all Authors should be given in the paper.
I hereby affirm that the content of this manuscript are original. Furthermore it has been neither published elsewhere fully or partially or any language nor submitted for publication (fully or partially) elsewhere simultaneously.
Also I declare that
1. ”It has not been published before, and it is not under consideration for publication in any other journals. It contains no matter that is scandalous, obscene, fraud, plagiarism, libelous, or otherwise contrary to law. I/we followed the Journal’s adopted “Publication ethics and malpractice” statement which given in journal’s website in About section and we will be answerable for the correctness (or plagiarism) and authenticity of article."
2. “As per Plagiarism checking Report” (Attached), plagiarism is less than 10%.
I/we also affirm that the all authors have seen to the name of all indexing agencies on journal home web-site which indexed the journal. I also agree that “It’s depend on indexing agencies when, how and what manner they can index or not. Hence, I/we are well informed that on the basis of earlier indexing, journal/publisher can’t predict the today or future indexing policy of third party (i.e. indexing agencies) as they have right to discontinue any journal at any time without prior information to the journal. As journal’s role is just to provide the online access to the indexing agencies”.
I affirm that the all authors have seen and agreed to the submitted version of the paper and their inclusion of name(s) as co-author(s).
We will not ask for review report if my/our paper is rejected.
Signature of Corresponding Author
Mailing address: