International Journal of Statistics and Economics™ (ISSN 0975-556X), formerly known as the “Bulletin of Statistics & Economics” (ISSN 0973-7022), publishes papers in all areas of Statistics and Economics, emphasis is placed on the practical importance, theoretical interest and policy-relevance of their substantive results, as well as on the methodology and technical competence of the research. More general papers in statistics, probability, mathematical economics, microeconomic, macroeconomic, forecasting, business econometrics, computation, simulation, or graphics are also appropriate if they are immediately applicable to the journal's general topics of interest. Articles published in IJSE contain significant results, high-quality methodological content, excellent exposition, and usually include a substantive empirical application.
Reviewed, Abstracted and Indexed in the past: IJSE was reviewed, abstracted and indexed in the past by EconLit, Journal of Economic Literature (American Economic Association),Mathematical Reviews,(American Mathematical Society),Current Index to Statistics (CIS)[ The Current Index to Statistics (CIS) is a joint venture of the American Statistical Association & Institute of Mathematical Statistics, USA], JournalSeek, Getcited, Mathface Index, Zentralblatt MATH (European Mathematical Society) MathSciNet, Indian Science Abstracts, International Statistical Institute (ISI, Netherlands) Journal Index, Academic keys, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, IndexCopernicus.