Running Mediator or Moderator Variables in a Conceptual Model
The research aimed at defining and clarifying the difference in the use of moderator and mediator variables in a conceptual model. We wish to provide a literature review paper for scientists about the correct methods that shouldbe followed in order to runa moderator or mediator variable in a certain conceptual model. Various procedural steps were taken to identify the utilization of the two in a model. The research revisited various scholarly literatures in assessing the mediator and moderator variables. Moderator variables tend to express the causal relationships between variables while the mediator variable simply extenuates the relationship of variables in a conceptual model. The evaluation found that there are indeed significant differences in the two variables in question. If statistical analysts fail to understand the difference of the two or if these variables are used interchangeably, the results will be prone or inferential or statistical errors. The research concluded that it is practical for researchers to identify with the degree of implementing the two.
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