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Comparing Rainfall and Discharge Trends in Karkhe Basin, Iran
Saeid Eslamian, Mohammad Javad Khordadi
The major objective of this study is to investigate the trend of some hydrological data in Karkhe basin where located in west of Iran. Thirty-six year records of annual rainfall depth and annual discharge data during 1966 to 2002 from five hydrometric and meteorological stations were used. Trend and persistence analyses of the data are performed using the Mann-Kendall Test, Regression Analysis, the Rank Test Statistic, the Cumulative Deviation, the Autocorrelation Coefficient, the Turning Point Test, and the Difference-Sign Test. The results indicate that rainfall and discharge data have not significant long-term trends and persistence in this watershed. Generally, there is no significant connection between these hydrological data and climate change phenomena. Existence a large dam in this basin (Karkhe Dam) probably adjusts the climate in microclimatic scale such that effect of climate change could not be clearly visible.
Mann-Kendall Rank Test, Cumulative Deviation, Autocorrelation Coefficient, Turning Point Test, Difference-Sign Test, Climate Change
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