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A Comparative Study on Population and Employment Risks in Vulnerable Countries to Climate Change
Meltem Okur Dincsoy
There are many reasons in the world people migrate from a place to another which can be internal and international. The main reasons are generally based on educational, socioeconomic, political, environmental and climatic factors. Current studies on the effects of climate factors put remarkable results about individuals and their living conditions. This study focusing on population structures, labour force, urbanization, vulnerable employment aimed at contribution to development literature related to the climate change. Therefore, ten vulnerable countries to climate change which are Bangladesh, Myanmar, Honduras, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Haiti, India, Dominican Republic, Philippines and China are examined in terms of Global Climate Risk Index (CRI), Notre Dame Global Adaptation (ND-GAIN) Index and World Risk Report. At the same time, these countries are relatively less developed and the victims (except for China) of climate change. It is observed that the countries have faced threats in urbanization, aging, vulnerable employment, less readiness and lack of coping capacities. Additionally, the countries depend on the technological improvements, demographic changes and socioeconomic developments in creating a balance between resources and hazards. Consequently, the countries must improve their inadequate infrastructure and try to cope with rapid urbanization and climate change-induced disaster by making the people aware of the risks, readiness and plans.
Development, Population, Vulnerable Employment, Climate Change, Labour Force, Risk Index,
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