The Contemporary State of Eco-Economy of Kazakhstan: Problems and Solutions
Based on existing scientific and research background it has been concluded that the exorbitant growth of material production combined with insufficient attention to the non-material sources of human well-being is the core of many contemporary problems. That is related to the state of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In Kazakhstan, environmental problems are largely resolved primarily at the level of ascertaining the negative facts that are taking place. The issues of increasing the gross domestic product should not be achieved at the expense of future generations. It is important to comply with the environmental balance, and for this, it is necessary to conduct economic policies that will take into account the laws of ecological balance. It has been analyzed the contemporary state of eco-economy of Kazakhstan. It has been identified main problems that need emergent solving. The findings of the analysis have proved that to improve the eco-economic state of Kazakhstan it is necessary to increase investment activity to the country’s ecology, mostly in the field of agricultural eco-systems.
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