Attractiveness of the Arctic Zone and the Northern Territories of Russia for Migrants
This study is focused on the influence of factors on the processes of external and internal migration of the Northern territories of the Russian Federation. Taking into account the heterogeneity of the socio-economic space of Russia, the clusterisation of 83 subjects of the Russian Federation is conducted utilising the panel data about 12 territory characteristics in 2005-2015. The Northern cluster is the combination of 17 subjects of the Russian Federation, including 4 subjects fully located in the Arctic zone. The designed statistically significant regression models of the migration growth rate in the Northern cluster allow to determine the priorities of management of the territory attractiveness for life. The provision of population with new housing constitutes the most important direction of the socio-economic development for all migrants of the Northern cluster among the directions declared in the development strategy of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The model of internal migration reveals that the factor of population density is the most attractive feature of the social agglomeration. On the basis of the model of external migration, it is found that the largest influence on the dependent variable belongs to the factors of provision of communication services and the social security of population. According to the data from regression analysis, the distinctive feature of migrants from the EU countries is the preference for characteristics of the economic development of the territory, which is estimated by the density of motorways, and also by the competitiveness of production measured by the export per capita in the region.
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