Models of Factor and Structural-Rank Economic Analyses at Macro- And Meso- Levels
In order to ensure sustainable economic growth and greening the global economy, perceived as an environmental and economic system, fundamental research in the theory and methodology as well as new practical approaches are required. At the theoretical level, this implies transformation of theories of institutionalism, whereas at methodological level, evolutionary methods of factorial and structural-rank economic analysis in national and meso (regional) perspectives are required. As a result of the study, the content of a new type of institutionalism called environmental institutionalism is justified and validated; it comprises variation of institutional factors contributing to economic growth. The models include Management Theory of Environmental Costs of Economy, Theory of Uniform and Uneven Transformation of Institutional Factors and a Model of the Institutional Matrix Transformation. Within the framework of factor analysis, the authors have developed two models. First of all, a six-factor function model for analyzing the impact on environmental and economic security which includes a system of safety assessment indicators influenced by the quality of population, public economic policy and natural environment. The second theory is a differentiated model of objective and subjective factors of sustainable economic development. The key feature of the second model is a pyramid triad with a reversed subjective factors hierarchy on the scale "norm-transition state-pathology". Besides, in the systemic diagnostics of the economy, we suggest a new method of structural analysis for the purpose of correct structural type redistribution of its elements and competent management of structural changes by the state. The given approach differs fundamentally from the UN accepted practice of calculations and provides an alternative to assess structural changes quality and current structural public economic policy.
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