Structural Analysis of Territorial Digital Development: from Sharing Economy to Smart Sustainable Territory
Current digitalization trends increase of relevance and diversity of sharing economy activities make all the participants of economic activity, including the state, be aware of the content of these trends.
The hypothesis of the study is that smart city technologies being a combination of digitalization, sharing economy elements for state territorial development are aimed at increasing the quality and safety of citizens' lives. Achievement of positive effects in employment and migration flows of the population; natural habitat conservation and containment of global or national environmental crisis are positive outcomes of modern technologies application.
This hypothesis determines the purpose of the study. Analysis of service economy trends, national and regional economies digitization reveals the impact of sharing economy and smart city technologies on the long-term sustainable territorial development. We took into account possible economic and environmental effects of their implementation, including positive smart city technologies in Russian million-plus cities. The authors have assessed trends in implementing government projects of digitalization and the development of smart cities and have revealed correlation between digitalization trends and real social and economic development of territories.
Research methodology includes assessment of economic digital developmental trends and the quality of digital development management. The authors use structural-rank analysis method. It shows the distribution of the analysis objects according to the service economy and digitalization level. Comparative analysis of smart city technologies implemented in Russia’s million-plus cities makes it possible to assess trends in government digitalization projects implementation, smart cities development and the correlation between digitalization trends and real social and economic development of territories. Sharing economy sectors demonstrate numerous examples of smart city technologies introduction in business.
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