An Application of Multivariate Method for Evaluation of Regional Disparities in Infrastructural Development: A Case Study
Although many of its cities rank very high in overall development, regrettably the state of Uttar Pradesh is always among the lowest ranked states in development in India. As the development of infrastructural sector is the key driver for overall development of a region, the paper is an attempt to study the disparities in the infrastructural growth in the Uttar Pradesh. Owing to several factors, wide disparities are likely to be present in infrastructural development of the state at district level. Therefore, the spatial and temporal differences in the infrastructural development of Uttar Pradesh have been investigated in the present study. Considering various indicators that contribute towards the infrastructural development, weights for each indicator has been calculated using weighted factor analysis (WFA) ascertaining relative importance of various indicators. Using these weights, the composite indices of infrastructural development are constructed for the years 2000-01, 2010-11 and 2017-18 for various districts in Uttar Pradesh. Using K-means cluster analysis, attempts have also been made to categorize the districts into five categories viz highly developed, developed, developing, less developed and least developed districts.
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