About the Site

Centre for Environment & Socio-Economic Research Publications™ (CESER Publications™) was established in 1999 as a scholarly publisher. From that beginning, Centre for Environment & Socio-Economic Research Publications™ has been dedicated to the advancement and dissemination of knowledge to scholars, students, the scientific and academic societies. Centre for Environment & Socio-Economic Research Publications™ is rapidly growing, subscription based, scholarly publisher of academic and scientific peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings and digital books in the area of science, engineering and technology. The Journals of Centre for Environment & Socio-Economic Research Publications™ are Reviewed, Abstracted and Indexed in the past by all major international agencies like Web of Science [Database: Emerging Sources Citation Index], Zentralblatt MATH (ZentralblattfürMathematik), SCOPUS (Elsevier Bibliographic Databases); Statistical Theory and Method Abstracts (STMA-Z), getCITED, Newjour, Current Index to Statistics (CIS), SCImago Journal & Country Rank, IndexCopernicus, International Statistical Institute (ISI, Netherlands) Journal Index, Academic keys, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Indian Science Abstracts, JournalSeek and others. However, we like to inform that on the basis of earlier (or past) indexing, we can’t predict the today or future indexing policy of third party (i.e. indexing agencies) as they have right to discontinue any journal at any time without prior information to the journal. So, please visit or contact directly to the indexing agencies for updated information. In view of this, neither sends any question nor expects any answer from us on the behalf of third party i.e. indexing agencies.



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