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Harmonious Evaluation Index of Economy-Environment Composite System using Genetic Algorithm
Chao Rao
Since the industrial revolution and the advancement of the large-scale industrialization process, the human has developed and utilized the resources and environment in a previously unprecedented form, and the regional economic development has reached a high, but at the same time, the resource consumption, and the environmental degradation are intensified. For this issue, this paper study on the harmonious evaluation indicators system of the economic-environment composite system, through the research of the composite system, this paper introduces projection pursuit model which directly uses the sample indicators data and the accelerated genetic algorithm (RAGA) which is based on real coding to do the integrated evaluation due to economic-environment composite system and the harmonious evaluation involve numerous evaluation indicators, and increase the difference of each indicators of the measurements, and it is difficult to determine the indicators of the weight. Simulation results show that it is of great practical value that the test, proposed in this paper, of the scenario planning programme introduced by the city A is in accordance with the changing realities.
composite system, harmonious degree, GA algorithm, accelerated genetic algorithm.
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