Bed Allocation Optimisation under the new Indonesian National Health Insurance (JKN)
Efficiency of resource planning and organisation in hospitals gains importance from both the perspective of the hospital and health insurers, who require efficient utilisation of the scarce resources, and from the perspective of the patients, who demand an efficient sojourn in the hospital, at obviously an adequate cost level.Efficient design of hospitals and their departments and efficient utilisation of available resources is beneficial for both cost efficiency of the hospital and for sojourn time efficiency of patients. As a hospital, in general, is a highly complex organisation, and flows of patients through hospital departments may be very complex, too, exact mathematic solutions of networks of queues and optimal solutions for these networks are unlikely to be available. In this research, we propose queueing models for separate departments and separate patient flows. We analyse and optimise in the framework of queueing theory and Markov Decision theory. We will focus on the hospital from both a department and a patient point of view. Specifically, we will apply the model for Bed Occupancy Optimisation under Indonesian National Health Insurance (JKN- Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional)
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