DEA Model of Random Fuzzy with Data of Skew-Normal Distribution
Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a mathematical method to evaluate the performance of decision-making units (DMU). In the classic DEA theory, assume deterministic and precise values for the input and output observations; however, in the real world, the observed values of the inputs and outputs data are mainly fuzzy and random. In the present paper, the fuzzy data were assumed random with a skew-normal distribution, whereas previous works have been based on the assumption of data normality, which might not be true in practice. Therefore, the use of a normal distribution would result in an incorrect conclusion. In the present work, the random fuzzy DEA (Ra-Fu DEA) model were investigated in one state of possibility-probability in the presence of a skew - normal distribution with a fuzzy mean and a fuzzy threshold level. Finally, a set of numerical example is presented to demonstrate the efficacy of procedures and algorithms.
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