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Vegetation Analysis along an Altitudinal Gradient of Juniperus indica forest in Southern Manang Valley, Nepal
B.K. Ghimire, H.D. Lekhak, R.P. Chaudhary, Ole R. Vetaas
A quantitative vegetative analysis of Juniperus indica forest was done along an altitudinal gradient on southern aspect of U-shaped Manang valley (3300-4000 m asl), during May-October 2004. The study area was divided in to three elevation ranges: 3300-3500 m, 3500-3800 m and 3800-4000 m. Thirty five square quadrats (10 m X10 m) for tree and seventy square quadrats (5 m X 5 m) for shrub/sapling were sampled. Altogether 19 species (3 trees and 16 shrubs) were identified. J. indica was the most dominant tree species in all elevation range. Tree density and basal area showed inverse relation with elevation. Above 3700 m J. indica was found in bushy (scrubby) form so there was no measurable basal area of the tree. Diversity index did not show any specific relation with altitude. Index of dominance indicated that forest was dominated by one or two species and the value of beta diversity showed the more or less homogeneous distribution of the plants in all stands.
Juniperus indica, altitudinal gradient, Manang valley, importance value index, diversity index
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