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Geospatial Applications in Tsunami Disaster Management

P.G. Diwakar, V Jayaraman, V Bhanumurthy, M Ramalingam


Disaster management with the aid of Decision Support systems play crucial role in adopting appropriate strategies for managing post-disaster situations. Tsunami is one of the rarest of disasters experienced in India by the coastal populace. When the disaster struck, proper knowledge and preparedness amongst the people and the administrators was lacking and hence the post-disaster situation was more challenging as compared to any other disaster situation. With due consideration to the above, an attempt is made to elusidate the usefulness of geospatial databases for evolving appropriate post-disaster management scenario. Remote sensing data from optical and microwave platforms are used to produce digital flood inundation maps in addition to other natural resources databases. These database elements are found to be immensely useful in providing accurate assessment of flood damage, administering relief and rehabilitation and in evolving action plans. Geospatial databases on natural resources, socio economic information and infrastructure was prepared for coastal Tamilnadu and integrated into an open source GIS platform for use at local level. While the paper brings out the use of such databases as a tool for decision support under the post-tsunami situation, it also helps in arriving at suitable plans for the future.


Geographic information system, Disaster support center

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