Earthworms Morphometric of Banana trees in Contaminated Area with Pb, Cr, Zn and Fe
Earthworm’s morphology is important to be developed as potential heavy metals bio-indicators. Morphological characteristics measured in this study were weight, length, diameter, female and male pores size, the distance between male’s pores, prostate diameter and vesicles diameter. The purpose of this study was to analyze earthworm distribution by earthworm’s morphometric structure in contaminated soil and to determine the structure of earthworm’s morphometry influenced by heavy metals. Earthworms sampling were done by purposive random sampling and hand sorting method. Fresh samples were taken and identified. Soil samples were tested for its heavy metal content using AAS. Data analysis was performed using PCA. The results showed that Amynthas robustus were highly distributed throughout Gresik and Bangkalan, wherein distinguished morphometric characteristics found in Gresik were body weight, female’s pores size, vesicles diameter, clitellum, prostate diameter, body diameter and body length. Amynthas robustus morphometric characteristics in Bangkalan centered on Madura area except Bancaran was distinguished by female’s pores size.
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