Effect of Water Stress on Yield of Rice Crop
requirements, the yield of crop gets affected. To manage irrigation with limited water supply, it is essential to yield response to limited water supply in various crops have to be conducted. A case study done by water stress was imposed two varieties namely ADT-36, a short-term variety and SONAM, a medium term variety were tried for the experimental study. Soil moisture depletion of 60% and 40% of field capacity were considered for experimentation. The study showed that the yield was affected due to water stressing. However yield reduction was less in 40% stress treatment compared to 60% stress treatment in various stages. Again, a scrutiny of yield obtained shows more yield reduction in stress treatment given in panicle initiation and flowering stages than
in tillering stage when compared with no stress condition. Therefore, reproductive phase was more critical than the vegetative phase. It again shows that between the two varieties ADT-36 was better to water stress treatments. The study has shown that the yield reduction was less when 40% stress treatment was imposed in tillering stage only. This indicates that a still milder stress in tillering stage may fetch a comparable yield with the yield of no stress condition and at the same time will result in considerable water saving.
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