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Water Management Techniques in Medium Term Rice Crop
G. Venkatesan, M.Tamil Selvam, G. Swaminathan, K. Krishnamoorthi
Rice is a major consumer of water resources. Its water requirement is almost two or three times grater than water requirement of most other crops. Any method by which water used for rice crop can be saved will be good for the scattered rainfall. If the entire area is brought under rice cultivation in a command area having a common base period, the peak water demand will be very high during certain months and if there was any shortfall of irrigation water during peak demand then it will affect entire rice crop. Instead if the rice crop is cultivated under staggered condition within the irrigation period, there will be reduction in peak demand and also if there is any shortfall, only certain percentage of area gets affected. An experiment was conducted to find out the yield and the peak water demand for rice crop under staggered growing season. The experiment was conducted staggered sowing / planting dates were tried in medium term rice variety and also laboratory tests were conducted to know the soil characteristic of the fields before and after the experiment. Four plots of 3mx3m used for normal cropping. Similarly two plots for first phase staggered cropping and two plots for second phase Staggered cropping were used experiments. The time intervals for staggering cultivation were about seven days. Observations on crop parameters, quantity of water supplied, yields of crop, crop water requirement for different phases of cultivation were compiled and crop water requirement at aggregate level was found. The monthly peak water demands were found to be less than peak water demand of normal cropping. However the average yield per hectare obtained from
normal and Staggered cropping were comparable Also, as the peak water demand get reduced in staggered phase cropping, in case of shortfall in supply, only certain percentage of area will be affected compared to normal cropping. Hence this can be put into adoptive trial in farmer’s field before suggesting to the farmers to practice this method.
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