Modelling the Effects of Leisure Involvement and Environmental Attitude on Intentions of Tourists' Environmentally Responsible Behaviour
The aim was to assess the role of leisure involvement and environmental attitude that has been a significant contributor to the process of tourists’ experience and behavior in which related to the implementation of the context of nature-based tourism. The present paper explains tourists’ leisure involvement and environmental attitude as critical determinants in effecting individual behavior intensions by examining the direct effects of these components within a theoretical framework. It drew upon data collected in two nature-based parks, Maolin National Scenic Area and Kenting National Park, in Taiwan using an administrated questionnaires approach. The empirical research has showed that leisure involvement factors related to self-expression and leisure involvement factors related to pleasure were the contributors toward environmentally responsible behavior intentions. Within this context of cultural environment protection related attitudes and natural environment protection related attitudes have proven to be a powerful predictor of environmentally responsible behavior intentions. This study has formed several insights to assist both government and industry sectors in enhancing Taiwan’s nature-based tourism as a responsible tourism experience.
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