Reflection of Environmental Awareness in Resource Use Pattern: A Study of Different Socio-Economic Classes of Delhi
Lifestyle and consumption pattern express the environmental awareness of people along with explaining many other attributes. Since energy consumption and water usage are crucial in daily life, these are linked to the issues of resource extraction and resource conservation. Energy use through appliances and gadgets are part of the rapidly developing urban life and is an issue of great concern of the modern growth process. Citizens’ perception about the gravity of the problem may be analysed from their consumption pattern. This may in turn be related to their economic status, educational level and overall socio-economic position. Environmentally aware citizens are expected to be sensitive towards environmental protection and morally obliged to practice an optimal resource use pattern. Given the grim environmental condition of the megacity Delhi, it is important to study whether any awareness is reflected in the resource use pattern of the people of Delhi. This research paper tries to find out whether there is any correlation between income classes and resource consumption pattern guided by environmental awareness. The study has revealed no correlation between the pattern of resource use and income classes because people from different economic classes have revealed varied levels of awareness in their behaviour and perception about environmental issues Therefore, the need for environmental initiatives and policy intervention is large. There is a considerable merit in adopting regional eco-friendly strategies in order to promote innovation to ensure sustainable resource use.
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