Aquaculture: A Faster Growing Greenhouse Gas Emission Sector in Bangladesh
Aquaculture and fisheries sectors have been reported to contribute in greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission, such as CO2, CH4 and N2O. This study evaluates the contribution of aquaculture and fisheries sector to GHGs emission in Bangladesh, where both sectors are set to continuous intensification over the next few years. Data were collected from primary sources using focus group discussions, key informant interviews and a national level workshop, and secondary sources during July 2015 to June 2016. This study quantified that fisheries and aquaculture annually emittes 3.68 Mt CO2e which contributes 1.87% to the country total and 4.94% of agriculture sector GHGs emission in Bangladesh. The emission from aquaculture subsectors (3.54 Mt CO2e per year) accounts for 96% of total fisheries sector emission. This study also found that the emission increases with the intensification of the production process. Due to continuous intensification over the years, aquaculture is now considered as one of the rapidly increasing industries in Bangladesh. Therefore, the country’s growing dependency on aquaculture will lead to higher GHGs emission potential in the future when the world is looking for lowering GHGs emission. This study identified potential mitigation measures to reduce the GHGs emission from aquaculture subsectors, like increasing fuel efficiency, reducing feed material emission intensity, reducing feed mill emissions and improving feed management. The findings of this study can serve as a preliminary guide to in-depth quantification of GHS's from fisheries and aquaculture. This study also expected to help policymakers to form fisheries and aquaculture development plans with reduced GHG`s emission.
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