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Research on Collaborative Innovation Path of Data Resources for Sustainable Development of Smart City

Hong yue Wang, Inna I. Koblianska, Xiumin Yan


Under the background of the development of big data, a systematic research of data as resources, assets and capital, its multiple value and role in the sustainable development of smart cities becomes urgent. This study adopts the method of literature research and practical investigation and summarizes the five-dimensional PESTD (Politics, Economy, Society, Technology, Data) realization path of sustainable development of smart city, namely: policy-governance-innovation, economical-environmental-integration, societal-cultural-inclusive, technology-human-interactions, data-continuity-interconnectivity. It is pointed out that data, as the center of the five-dimensional construction of smart city, is a collaborative innovation and develops with other dimensions. Finally, based on the successful experience of smart city development abroad, this study puts forward the strategy and method of data resource collaborative innovation path for promoting the sustainable development of smart cities in China.


Smart city, data assets, urban governance, collaborative innovation, sustainable development.

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