International Journal of Tomography & Simulation™

The main aim of the International Journal of Tomography and Simulation™ (ISSN 2319-3336) [Formerly known as the “International Journal of Tomography and Statistics” ISSN 0973-7294 (Online); ISSN 0972-9976 (Print)] is to publish refereed, well-written original research articles, and studies that describe the latest research and developments in Computerized Tomography and Simulation. It also covers the many potential applications and connections to other areas of Science and technology.

Reviewed, Abstracted and Indexed in the past:  International Journal of Tomography and Simulation™ (IJTS) was reviewed, abstracted and indexed in the past by the   Statistical Theory and Method Abstracts (STMA-Z), getCITED, Newjour, Current Index to Statistics (CIS), SCImago Journal & Country Rank, IndexCopernicus, International Statistical Institute (ISI, Netherlands) Journal Index, Academic keys, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Indian Science Abstracts, JournalSeek …

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