Numerical Simulation of Oil-water Distribution in P-1 Block Reservoir
Oil reservoir numerical simulation technology is one research approach of stratum geology as well as oil reservoir development by applying mathematical methods, which establishes the simulation model of stratum oil reservoir through the oil reservoir geology model, permeability mathematical equation and numerical model. The oil-water distribution in Daqing oilfield P-1 block reservoir from May 2003 to October 2012 was modeled using STARS software. The P-1 block reservoir was divided into 70 ? 45 ? 62 grids, with the final system made up of 199,157 grids. Fitting the data for the whole oil reservoir revealed no statistical difference between actual values and those predicted by the STARS model. The average difference between forecast and actual production was 0.78 m3/day, and the maximum error was 8.7%. The forecast value for the P1-O5 well had a better fit to the actual value, with a maximum difference of 0.57 m3/day and maximum error of 7.1%.
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