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Spatial variation anddisparity of ecosystem service in Hangzhou metropolitan area
M. Y. Gan, J. S. Deng, K. Wang
Urbanization has been declared to have significant impacts on ecosystem services and functions. However, these impacts are difficult to quantify andoften neglected bylocal policy makers. This study analyzed land use dynamics, spatiotemporal pattern and the spatial dissimilarity ofecosystem service value (ESV) provision among local residentsin Hangzhou metropolitan area in China. The entire study area witnessed a slight decline of total ESV from 27167.6 million Yuan in 2004 to27040.8 million Yuan in 2010,mainly due to decreasingcropland and water. The expansion of built-ups and the reclamation of water were considered to be the main reason. While the increase of forest, mainly located in the western mountainous area, offset the decline of the total ESV to some extent. The distribution and variation of ESV show considerable spatial heterogeneity across the study area. Higher ESV areas were mainly located in the western mountainous region while the ESV in the eastern plain is relatively low. Moreover, the eastern plain region was facing a more severe decline of ESV due to drastic urbanization. The dissimilarity analysis confirmed the spatial disparity of ESV and further revealed a significant inequity of the ESV provision among the local residents. The rapid urbanization hasplaced intense pressure on the natural and semi-natural ecosystems. To achieve a sustainable development, policy makersmust address the variation and spatial inequality of the ecosystem service provision.
Ecosystem Service Value; Land Use Land Cover;Spatial Dissimilarity.
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