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An Environmental Decision-Support System Based On Sustainability for Evaluating Alternatives of A Road Project
Siby John, Umesh Sharma
Industrial sectors contribute more to Green House Gases by emitting huge amount of CO2 in the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels. Energy consumption is vital for the production of goods and services in the industrial sectors and at the same time it contributes a greater share of GHGs. Mitigation of CO2 is possible by conserving energy. Energy conservation doesn’t mean that reduction in the use of energy, it means the efficient use of energy without any wastage or leakage. Further, we can reduce the CO2 emission by waste minimization technique. Waste generation during the production process is unavoidable but generation of more waste leads to energy waste and environmental degradation. In this regard, this paper analyses the brick waste generation, fuel wood wasted, CO2 created and CO2 reduction possibilities in brick industry cluster of Srivilliputhur and Rajapalayam. Brick industry is one of the energy intensive units and it uses fossil fuels as energy and it contributes more to GHGs by emitting CO2. In brick units, after burning the green brick in Chula only, we can estimate the waste. The waste is due to either use of more fuels than the required level or less use of fuel. But use of inadequate energy is not within both the industrial clusters. Brick waste generation is due to use of more energy than the required level. It is due to lake of knowledge on energy use and management. Total brick waste generated by both the industrial clusters is equal to 37.38 lakh in number. The fuel wood and agricultural waste used to burn the wasted brick is 1624.83Tonne and 349.39Tonne respectively. The total energy cost wasted is equal to Rs. 60.69 lakh. By burning the above said amount of fuel wood and agricultural waste, the CO2 emitted is 2643.52 Tonne.
Energy consumption, Green House Gas, Energy conservation, Environmental degradation, Industry cluster
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