An Automatic Control System of the Flotation Process for The Reduction of Water Pollution
Most of the manufacturing processes mean not only new products but also solid waste and contaminated water. To purify the water, it often means physical, chemical and sometimes also biological processes. The decision for the correct procedure is the subject of particular causes pollution and contaminants. The factories which work with the colorants, those colorants become the most common source of pollution. The article shows the way to purify the wastewater contaminated with the ingredients of dispersion paints. The process can also be applied as de-inking procedure. De-inking procedure is based on electro-flotation as specific flotation with the bubbles formed as both active oxygen and hydrogen molecules, which are able to bind with the other impurities. The flotation process itself starts with the electrolytic reaction of the liquid mixture of pH 5.5. The whole process of flotation, which is followed by skimming the dirt particles in the form of foam, is controlled by the developed microprocessor based control system. The decreased amount of the contaminants in the wastewater is monitored with respect to the running time of the flotation process. From the evaluation of the final concentration of the water purity, the required time of the flotation process for the automatic control can identified using the analytical methods.
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