Allometric Models for Estimating Biomass of Persea Bombycina Kost. Agroforestry Aystem of Assam
The aim of this study was to develop a set of biomass prediction model that will enable the determination of total tree biomass of Persea bombycina plantation in Assam, using a non destructive method. For this, wood samples were taken from five different study sites and their biomass values were calculated. Efforts were made to establish the relationship between tree biomass and DBH (diameter at breast height) using both log transformed and untransformed values. Five site specific and one species specific models were developed separately using both log transformed and untransformed values of biomass and DBH. The site specific models showed good correlation with log transformed data whereas the general species specific model with the untransformed data. The degree of correlations varied from R2=0.22 to 0.956 for the log transformed data and 0.44 to 0.953 for the untransformed data. Similarly for the site specific models the R2 varied from 0.44 to 0.956 for the log transformed data and from0.832 to 0.953 for the untransformed data
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