2007, Volume 8, Number 3 (F07)

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Table of Contents


Editorial PDF
I. V. Florinsky 5-7
Spatial Variability and Topographic Factors of 137Cs Soil Contamination at a Field Scale PDF
V.G. Linnik, A.A. Saveliev, A.P. Govorun, O.M. Ivanitsky, A.V. Sokolov 8-25
Comparison of Automated Landform Classification and Soil Mapping Units at a Farm Level PDF
Vanda Valerija Buivydaite, Gintautas Mozgeris 26-38
A Study of Disturbed Soil Cover using Soil Electrical Resistivity and Topographic Data PDF
V. P. Samsonova, A. I. Pozdnyakov, J. L. Meshalkina 39-51
Solving Three Problems of Exploration and Engineering Geology by Digital Terrain Analysis PDF
I.V. Florinsky 52-65
Vertical Accuracy of Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Elevation and Void-Filled Data in the Libyan Desert PDF
Paul Elsner, Michael Bonnici 66-80
Filtering of Digital Terrain Models by Two Dimensional Singular Spectrum Analysis PDF
N.E. Golyandina, K.D. Usevich, I.V. Florinsky 81-94