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Table of Contents
Dynamical interaction between input data and simple insertion sort algorithm | |
Dominik Strzałka | 1-23 |
Additivity of Jordan Elementary Maps on Nest Subalgebrasof Factor von Neumann Algebras | |
Aili Yang | 24-31 |
On the Homotopy Perturbation Method for the Exact Solution of Fitzhugh–Nagumo Equation | |
S. Salman Nourazar, Mohsen Soori, Akbar Nazari-Golshan | 32-43 |
Application of the exp(-Φ(η)) expansion method for solving nonlinear TRLW and Gardner equations | |
M. G. Hafez, M. Y. Ali, M. K.H. Chowdury, M. A. Kauser | 44-56 |
Some new estimations of diagonally dominant degree and eigenvalue inclusion sets for the Schur complement of block diagonally dominant matrices | |
Feng Wang | 57-73 |
The Image Curves on Surfaces at a Constant Distance from the Edge of Regression on a Surface of Revolution | |
A. Çakmak, Ö. Tarakcı | 74-85 |
Aggregation Method for Gene Mining Based on Mutual Information Network | |
Hongjuan Zhao, Qingyun Wang, Bo Li, Qizhi Fang | 86-94 |
M[x]/G/1 Retrial Queue with Two Phases of Service, Bernoulli Vacation and Server Break Down | |
M. Jeeva, E. Rathnakumari | 95-106 |